Saturday, February 26, 2011

Don't Miss The Target

This past week I had the opportunity to play a couple games at Top Golf in Dallas.  If you haven't played before, it is basically a driving range on steroids.  The balls have a scanner on them and you hit the balls into the various targets on the range.  The targets are set up like dartboards with lower point totals on the outside rings and higher points towards the bullseyes.  It really becomes a game of precision and is a lot of fun. 

Several times throughout the course of the game(s), I missed the target I was going for and landed in one of the other ones.  Some of the games allow you to get points in the other targets, others give you negative points for hitting the wrong target.  

It made me think about how I set my priorities.  I always have a target that I'm shooting for, but what happens when I get off the mark?  Do I just settle for second-best?  I think sometimes it can be easy to just settle and say, "there's always next time."  We should never settle for second-best in anything that we do.  If we give our all, we can push ourselves to a target that is beyond what we think we can achieve.  Don't get me wrong, we're going to miss the target from time to time, but don't get discouraged - instead shoot for the bullseye next time around.  You'll be glad you did.


Nancy said...

LOVE it, thank you! You are an awesome blogger and writer! Great photo by the way. xox

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