Webster's Dictionary defines the word risk as 1) a possibility of loss or injury; and 2) someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard.
It blows me away that nowhere in the definition of the word do you see anything positive. Every single version I could find only showed negativity. Is that how you view risk? I think most people go through life thinking risk is a negative thing rather than looking at it positively.
What ever happened to going out on a limb? When did we lose that willingness to get that big win? Please understand, I'm not a gambler, so I am not talking about going to the Blackjack table and risking it all to hopefully get a big win. I'm talking about risk in the business world. Do you believe enough in what you are doing, that you're willing to take a risk now and again? Do you think you may have a creative way to solve a problem that is outside of the norm, or is way outside of the box?
There is a huge difference between what I would call a dumb risk and an intelligent risk. Hopefully you and I don't take too many dumb risks in our careers, or else all of us would be cleaning out our desks and updating our resumes. Intelligent risks, however, are totally worth it in my opinion. The key is to make sure that the downside potential is limited, and the potential upside is basically unlimited.
If you run your own company, or are a manager of a department, do you have an atmosphere where employees are able to take risks? Do you stymie them from spreading their wings, or do you encourage them and back them up for the risks they take? If they feel like they will get shot down, written up in their personnel files, or just plain fired, than you need to communicate that you're willing to support them in the risks they take. That doesn't mean to support them in dumb risks; they must be well thought out and intelligent risks. What's the downside, right? In addition, they must be willing to see YOU take risks! If you don't take risks how is he/she going to feel that it is an accepted practice at your office?
A great leader should not be risk averse, rather he should be willing to take an intelligent risk now and again. Taking risks is like visiting a big city that you have never been to for the first time. You're going to feel out of your element at first, but hopefully you'll begin to enjoy the challenge of getting around in an unfamiliar place and start to feel comfortable being uncomfortable!
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