Saturday, March 12, 2011

Benefits Of Being A CCIM

Last October, I was in Orlando at the CCIM Business Meetings, and was interviewed by some CCIM staff members for some video promotions they were doing for the Institute.  If you are in the commercial real estate arena, and/or would like to get involved in commercial real estate, then CCIM is a great organization to begin your quest. 

If you are a CCIM Designee, I would love to hear why you chose to become a CCIM.  For me, it was a matter or either pursuing my Master's Degree or obtaining the CCIM Designation.  I chose the CCIM path because I wanted to push myself in my own career, and be one of the few commercial real estate practitioners who have the coveted CCIM Designation.  It was a choice I will never regret.  I would highly encourage you to do the same!   You can visit CCIM's webpage at  

Here's the video:



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